The breaking of an unblemished year brings turmoil, prophecy and prudence...
Allowing endurance of a long lived friendship, while invoking abject change elsewhere. Health must once more lead investment, as to better guild for what is to come.
External forces offer up forecasts immutably dyed with stains of their own self-doubt; Albeit in actuality beneath the most delicate of veils, so as to barely conceal the intended claim on my future. Supposedly to goad wilful concession or admission of folly.
Thus fleeting prognosis doth reveal that which was long suspected. A cavernous void between their understanding and the rock on which I preside.
Let no such views be thrust so imprudently. For It seems the fates prevail not the virtue of outward compliance upon my plan. Forever misconstrued as a morass of false impression, to bear no fruit. A complete prostitution of the talents so fortunately bestowed. Proudly bearing this prominence akin to a disobedient nature.
Roused by misapprehension, I find it not difficult to engage the more venturesome aspects for which I seek to be recognised. To descry opportunity and reach further still into the unknown.
This outcome being far less terrible to me than all which hath been presented.
This outcome being far less terrible to me than all which hath been presented.