Friday, 20 May 2011

The Schism Between

 Journey through adversity...

The sky, veiled and bruised. Evidence of some former injury, from which it does now simmer in anger, seeking reprisal. This brooding melancholy, a restless portent of things to come. 

An abrupt awakening from slumber stirred memories, uncommonly clear, but transient. Turning to times leading to this point of crossroad. A previous day of income, ended with a most absorbing final act. 

Drawn together in innocuous discussion with fellow denizens. Arrogant demeanour inflated with a debonair sense of righteousness. Compassionate discourse broke forth, an exercise in connecting to the outside world. Yet ignoring the covenant of good manners, proper action a mere addendum to the thought process. Meddlesome elements sort to steer unto the relgious arena, and thus become bogged down in dogma. 

A beleaguered host struggling under the weight of philistine reactions of an obtuse mind. The grim brevity of empathy shown; a breathtaking spectacle, thus encouraged a willingness to supersede. To spite surly retributions, a soothsayer revealed, to trigger the momentum of secrets unearthed. The wholesome tirade of a well-meaning raconteur. 

So it ended, and a return in thought to the present, where soon the fates will decide whether to scorn or reward.

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