Momentum begins...
Slowly gaining ground like an encroaching tide. At each month's end, headway is made.
Time, it appears, does somewhat in itself denote a purposeful contention; that all will, and does change. A torrent of the unforeseen races ever on, never to be bereft of fear; but instead to recognise it as an acceptable motive.
Are hope and grit always to be my panacea? an antidote for my woe?
What now?
To brandish the success as a precept; an example of behavior thus far rewarded?
What now?
To brandish the success as a precept; an example of behavior thus far rewarded?
I can survive, I know this now.
A decree, carved in stone by the force of my chosen circumstance. Yet avoiding the persistent repercussions of chance, must be my elementary aspiration. Reducing said risk, a perpetual trial of my spirit.
A decree, carved in stone by the force of my chosen circumstance. Yet avoiding the persistent repercussions of chance, must be my elementary aspiration. Reducing said risk, a perpetual trial of my spirit.
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